Dr. Oz Declares Reiki as his #1 alternative medicine secret for people and animals
I found this great article on Reiki that I wanted to share with you. Reiki truly is wonderful and has proven to be helpful in so many different situations. Animals love reiki and usually respond very quickly. To learn more about reiki for animals, animal communication, or to book a treatment session for you or your animal friend please contact me to discuss your needs.
Thank you,
Susan Pipes
Professional Animal Communicator, Reiki Master, D. TCM
Dr. Mehmet Oz Declares Reiki as His #1 Alternative Medicine Secret
“If Dr. Mehmet Oz is talking about Reiki, all of America is talking about it and looking for ways to learn about it.” Reiki Master Rose De Dan says that with health being at the top of people’s 2010 resolution list, learning Reiki is a great next step to take, and offers six tips on how to choose the right training.
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) January 9, 2010 — Reiki Masters across America and the world had cause for celebration on January 6 when Dr. Mehmet Oz revealed his Ultimate Alternative Medicine Secrets for 2010 during his nationally broadcast afternoon talk show. He ranked Reiki #1. Dr. Oz said, “Reiki is one of my favorites, we’ve been using it for years in the Oz family, and we swear by it.”
Before his popularity as a TV personality through his five-year association with Oprah, Dr. Oz incorporated Reiki into his open-heart surgeries through the assistance of Reiki Master Pamela Miles. On the show, Miles spoke about the benefits of Reiki and offered a demonstration to an audience member who had a headache, which quickly disappeared.
Rose De Dan, Reiki Master and founder of Seattle, WA – based Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC (Tails of a Healer: Animals, Reiki and Shamanism” is thrilled that Reiki is finally getting the attention it deserves. “If Dr. Mehmet Oz is talking about Reiki, all of America is talking about it and looking for ways to learn about it.”
Reiki is a non-invasive form of energy medicine that balances the body, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, enabling the body to do what it does best — heal itself. De Dan explains, “Reiki assists in accelerating healing from injury/illness, promotes relaxation and stress reduction, reduces or eliminates pain. Reiki strengthens the immune system, assists in clearing emotional or physical trauma, and offers quality of life support for those who are aging or in hospice care. Knowing Reiki is like having your own personal healing kit at your fingertips.”
De Dan says that with health being at the top of people’s 2010 resolution list, learning Reiki is a great next step to take. Taking a Reiki class offers people greater personal control over their own health and healing. They can also use it to help others in their family, including their pets. De Dan suggests Googling “Reiki Master” and the name of the city closest to you to find a practitioner in your community. She offers 6 tips on how to choose the right training.
1) Attend a class in person, rather than online, for maximum benefit.
2) Inquire about class size. Small classes offer more personal guidance. Ten students or less is best.
3) Don’t be in hurry. Take training one level at a time for best effect and to integrate the healing energy and changes to your benefit.
4) Find a Reiki Master Teacher who offers ongoing support and guidance and access to a community of Reiki practitioners.
5) Teachers who have active healing practices can offer a wealth of insights and opportunities to support your growth.
6) Years of experience and credentials are good things to check. Trust your intuition in selecting teacher feels best for you.
De Dan says that the general public is still relatively unaware that Reiki is offered as a complementary modality in many U.S. hospitals, as well as worldwide. Outside of hospitals, De Dan says that there are many thousands of Reiki practitioners in the U.S. and millions around the world.
About Wild Reiki and Shamanic Healing LLC:
A pioneer in Reiki and shamanic healing for people and animals, Rose De Dan has seen firsthand the profound healing impact of this work on the lives of others. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and teaches classes, workshops and teleclasses for those interested in learning more about energy medicine. Rose gives engaging interviews and demonstrations. Visit her online pressroom at http://www.reikishamanic.com/newsarticles1 to see her in action and invite her to contribute to your next story, feature, or broadcast.
Helping two spirits to understand each other
December 1, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials

Canadian Warmblood Navarre at home
It’s true what you say, that animal communication creates a deeper bond. Even when you don’t do it yourself.
I had the privelege to communicate with a beautiful Canadian Warmblood and his human Mom about some issues that were very concerning. I always try to make sure that I get answers to all questions that are asked and it may involve a few emails between each other. Here is a little of what Kirstin has reported back to me about our animal spirit communication.
First of all I have to tell you that I rode Navarre today for the first time since he misbehaved so badly last week! Due to the weather he hadn’t been ridden for four days and even though he is a very forward horse he didn’t put one foot wrong. I was so happy afterwards and I thanked him. I am sure that he felt what I was saying in words.
Without you talking to him I wouldn’t have had the confidence, that’s for sure!
I think I should really start trail riding him. Since he has mentioned it to you he might be ready for it.
I am glad that he mentioned his blue blanket. I would not have put it on this year as I don’t believe in blanketing a horse. But his previous owners gave it to me when I bought Navarre and I assume he has been wearing it the years before.
No, you did not provide too much information. I am gad that you pass everything on without filtering it. Of course it is a lot and sometimes confusing but that’s why it is in writing. I can get over it as often as I want. 🙂
You have such a great gift being able to talk to animals. I wish I could learn it too, even if I could just communicate small things. I know they say that it lies in all of us but I don’t believe that everybody can learn to use it. I am a very technical person even though I strongly believe that there are things out there that we cannot see or logically understand.
I have been looking for workshops where I could at least try to learn the basics and maybe move on from there. But so far I haven’t found anything that I think could introduce me properly.
Doing some research on animal communication I got the impression that there are a lot of people who see a possibility to make money. And it is hard to find someone to trust. After all this is a trust thing because neither you nor I can really proof that there is a communication going on. I hope you understand what I mean.
By the way, this is why I chose you to talk to Navarre. When I looked for someone I ended up on so many websites and yours was the only one where I got the impression that it was about helping and that you really know what you are talking about. There are so many offers where my first feeling was that someone is trying to sell me something or talk me into something. And this is really sad. Of course this is a service and the communicator needs to make money too but it should still be about the idea of helping two different spirits to understand each other. And this is the impression I got when I looked at your webpage. And I am really glad that I contacted you. 🙂
Thanks again for all the ideas to make Navarre happier.
Have a nice evening,
Kirstin, Germany
How Dominic Monaghan found his Praying Mantis
November 12, 2009 by
Filed under Amazing videos and audio, Blog, Uncategorized
Intuitive animal communication – listen for the knock.
I was watching the Bonnie Hunt Show this morning and Dominic Monaghan was a special guest. I just loved the epic adventure of The Lord of the Rings, and I am also a Lost and Flash Forward fan so I was eager to see the interview with the charming and handsome Dominic. I learned that he is a huge animal lover and he told an amazing story of manifestation and how a Praying Mantis came into his life.
I could easily relate to how our animals friends can choose us in their life and come to us in the most incredible ways. My long time companion Beau, combined with my sister and kids were unrelenting in their quest for him to join our family. That is quite an amazing animal story as well but that is another post.
Would you like to share the story of how your animal friend came to be a part of your family? Please use the comment form below, we’d love to hear from you and your animal friend. If you have ever wondered about animal spirit communication just click here and learn how it can help you and your animal friend.
I hope you enjoy this video of Dominic showing us the Law of Attraction and intuitive animal communication in action. Thank you Dominic for sharing your experience!