Helping two spirits to understand each other
December 1, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials

Canadian Warmblood Navarre at home
It’s true what you say, that animal communication creates a deeper bond. Even when you don’t do it yourself.
I had the privelege to communicate with a beautiful Canadian Warmblood and his human Mom about some issues that were very concerning. I always try to make sure that I get answers to all questions that are asked and it may involve a few emails between each other. Here is a little of what Kirstin has reported back to me about our animal spirit communication.
First of all I have to tell you that I rode Navarre today for the first time since he misbehaved so badly last week! Due to the weather he hadn’t been ridden for four days and even though he is a very forward horse he didn’t put one foot wrong. I was so happy afterwards and I thanked him. I am sure that he felt what I was saying in words.
Without you talking to him I wouldn’t have had the confidence, that’s for sure!
I think I should really start trail riding him. Since he has mentioned it to you he might be ready for it.
I am glad that he mentioned his blue blanket. I would not have put it on this year as I don’t believe in blanketing a horse. But his previous owners gave it to me when I bought Navarre and I assume he has been wearing it the years before.
No, you did not provide too much information. I am gad that you pass everything on without filtering it. Of course it is a lot and sometimes confusing but that’s why it is in writing. I can get over it as often as I want. 🙂
You have such a great gift being able to talk to animals. I wish I could learn it too, even if I could just communicate small things. I know they say that it lies in all of us but I don’t believe that everybody can learn to use it. I am a very technical person even though I strongly believe that there are things out there that we cannot see or logically understand.
I have been looking for workshops where I could at least try to learn the basics and maybe move on from there. But so far I haven’t found anything that I think could introduce me properly.
Doing some research on animal communication I got the impression that there are a lot of people who see a possibility to make money. And it is hard to find someone to trust. After all this is a trust thing because neither you nor I can really proof that there is a communication going on. I hope you understand what I mean.
By the way, this is why I chose you to talk to Navarre. When I looked for someone I ended up on so many websites and yours was the only one where I got the impression that it was about helping and that you really know what you are talking about. There are so many offers where my first feeling was that someone is trying to sell me something or talk me into something. And this is really sad. Of course this is a service and the communicator needs to make money too but it should still be about the idea of helping two different spirits to understand each other. And this is the impression I got when I looked at your webpage. And I am really glad that I contacted you. 🙂
Thanks again for all the ideas to make Navarre happier.
Have a nice evening,
Kirstin, Germany
Do hummingbirds have legs?
October 24, 2009 by
Filed under Blog, Uncategorized
The other day I was having a rather lively discussion with a great friend and it seemed like we were getting nowhere about a touchy topic. Actually we were talking about money, it’s worth and how to respect it. I had been watching a hummingbird right outside our window gently put his beak into a flower then move on to another. He would go away and come back, repeating the process. I was really enjoying this distraction and I shared this with my friend and he watched mesmerized as well. Just then he looks away and momemts later asks me ” do hummingbirds have legs?”
You guessed it, I felt it coming and I could not stop it. I laughed, I cried, my nose ran and my stomach hurt and I could not stop laughing. The look on his face was priceless as he tried to imagine if he’d ever seen their legs before. “I only see them fly” he said.
Do hummingbirds have legs? Have you ever seen them? There is a lot of information that our minds just fill in for us. My friend is a pilot and he had imagined the little hummingbird coming in for a landing like a floatplane, carefully positioning itself so it was a perfect landing. It had to be perfect, after all there still was the question about do hummingbirds really have legs?
There is a lot of fascinating information out there about the animals that we love that we do not know. In our busy hectic lives who has time to google little known facts about ? The truth is that the more we know the more we understand. Chief Dan George left us with these words of wisdom…
If you talk to the animals they will talk with you and you will know each other.
If you do not talk to them you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear.
What one fears one destroys. Chief Dan George
In the spirit of helping people to understand more about the animals we live with I am going to use this animal communication blog to relay interesting information as I find it. But, back to interesting facts about hummingbirds…
yes, hummingbirds do have legs, although they are not strong enough to walk with they can perch with them
hummingbirds are territorial and have been know to bravely defend their flower bush from predators- even hawks
a hummingbird will feed about 50 – 60 times a day from a single bush
they have hollow bones and are warm blooded
they can fly up, down, sideways, forward, backwards and they can hover
they can beat their wings up to 80 times a second which creates a humming noise, hence their name
they love nectar and will drink sugar water from a feeder of any color, including red
Do you know any other interesting facts about hummingbirds?
Sunny the Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care
August 16, 2009 by
Filed under Blog, Uncategorized
We just bought a beautiful blue male Betta fish the other day and we named him Sunny. I thought he would be a great addition to our animal family and we could learn a little about Betta’s. Here are a few highlights about Betta’s.

Male Betta Fish are beautiful and relaxing to look at. Here is Sunny our new family addition.
Betta fish are sometimes called Siamese Fighting Fish but the more peaceful name of Betta seems to be the more popular term for these beautiful fish.
Betta fish originally lived in the shallow rice patties and bodies of water in Asia. They are quite territorial and can be very aggresive so one per pond was enough. They will puff or fluff out when they see another male and may fight to the death. For this reason it is best to only keep one in a habitat at a time.
Things to know about a Betta
- Betta’s are easy to care for and can provide a lot of enjoyment
- male Betta’s are beautiful with full draping fins and bright colours
- they like their special pellets that are developed for them, but only about 2-4 a feeding, twice a day, they can get very sick if they are overfed
- your Betta will enjoy fresh freeze dried bloodworms as a special treat
- Betta’s will look for you and will get excited, almost dancing, thinking it may be dinner time
- Betta’s breathe from the surface and will come up for their air. They have adapted from the droughts in the rice fields to be surface breathers
- they like clean clear water between 73-80 F
- remember to clean your Betta’s home once a week and pretreat the water with special Betta water conditioner you can buy at the pet store
- Betta’s do not need a large aquarium and are quite happy in a container 1-3 gallons and do not need gravel or an air pump
- if taken care of properly Betta’s can live for several years and I’ve seen reports of up to 5 yrs.
- Betta’s are peaceful to watch and can reduce your stress level, they know how to relax
- do you have any tips to add about Betta care?
We are enjoying Sunny and are learning a little more about him. His color has changed quite a bit since we got him. When he arrived he was in a little cup with blue dye to enhance his colour. We changed this right away when we put him in his new home and his color went paler but then has come back to a rich beautiful blue.
I will write later about what Sunny had to say in an animal communication session with him. Can you guess what kind of music he likes? Maybe when he was at his breeders they played this type of music a lot.
If you would like to learn more about how a Betta can be a great addition to your family you can go to and there is over 500 pages devoted to Betta’s. This link is quite funny, it is of animated Betta’s and their point of view.
Do you have any Betta fish stories to share?
Welcome to Animal Spirit Communication
June 15, 2009 by
Filed under Blog
Welcome to Animal Spirit Communication! Here you will find information about animal communication, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki, flower and tree essences, Chinese herbs, chakras and healing in general. You’ll learn fun facts, news about healing, upcoming classes and “how to” hints. I hope that you will visit often and are interested in what the animals have to say “from their point of view”
Love and light in healing
Susan Pipes