How Dominic Monaghan found his Praying Mantis
November 12, 2009 by
Filed under Amazing videos and audio, Blog, Uncategorized
Intuitive animal communication – listen for the knock.
I was watching the Bonnie Hunt Show this morning and Dominic Monaghan was a special guest. I just loved the epic adventure of The Lord of the Rings, and I am also a Lost and Flash Forward fan so I was eager to see the interview with the charming and handsome Dominic. I learned that he is a huge animal lover and he told an amazing story of manifestation and how a Praying Mantis came into his life.
I could easily relate to how our animals friends can choose us in their life and come to us in the most incredible ways. My long time companion Beau, combined with my sister and kids were unrelenting in their quest for him to join our family. That is quite an amazing animal story as well but that is another post.
Would you like to share the story of how your animal friend came to be a part of your family? Please use the comment form below, we’d love to hear from you and your animal friend. If you have ever wondered about animal spirit communication just click here and learn how it can help you and your animal friend.
I hope you enjoy this video of Dominic showing us the Law of Attraction and intuitive animal communication in action. Thank you Dominic for sharing your experience!
Animal communication helps with training horses
November 7, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials
Gabi and Shannon, Kelowna BC
Hi Susie,
Thank you for communicating with Gabi. Wow what a difference I had with my ride on her today. I warmed her up for Carl and we both were relaxed and having fun. She was very light, responsive and trying to please. We walk, trotted and loped, along with some leg yielding and bending. Carl then rode her and did some more advanced work, doing counter cantering then asking for a lead change and she did it flawless both ways (her first time asked to do flying lead changes). He then loped circles asking for extension and then collecting in the lope. Last they did some pole bending as there was some poles set up which she just powered thru with finesse. She is a very powerful girl, a tomboy. I’m looking forward to riding her again today.
Thank you
Renting With Rex – How You, Your Pet, Your Landlord And Your Neighbor Can All Thrive In Rental Housing
A New Book Written Especially for Renters With Dogs
Jackie Phillips, my friend and fellow animal communicator/author from The Social Pet has just written a book that should be in every renters and landlords library. If you’ve ever rented, or tried to rent with a dog you know what I am talking about, it can be extremely difficult to find a new home that will allow dogs.
Jackie thoughtfully addresses the situations that can arise and has helpful solutions on how to find your new dog friendly home, offers tips, how to’s and training suggestions to make your pet a landlords dream. Take a look at what Renting With Rex offers you…
Renting with Rex
Are you looking for a new place to rent with your dog? Have you become frustrated because you can’t seem to find a rental even though your dog is well-behaved?
You are not alone. One of the top reasons animals are surrendered to shelters is because their owners are unable to find a place to rent. This book will help you to not only find a new place to live with your dog, but also keep your dog, your landlord and neighbors happy.
Are you elderly or disabled and living in assisted living? Are you looking for a new dog to live with you? Do you have a service animal and want to find a place to rent?
This book has a lot of information just for your living circumstances and how to make sure your rights are being adhered to.

Jackie Phillips offers this ultimate guide to renting with your dog
“Renting with Rex” Covers the Following Topics :
• Finding a Place to Rent Where You Can Have Your dog
• Renting to Pets Can Benefit Me as a Manager
• Moving With Your Dog
• Keeping Your Landlord and Neighbors Happy
• Keeping Your Dog Healthy
• Preventing or Stopping Unwanted Behaviors
• Fun Activities Available for Your Dog
• Tools Available to Help You Train Your Dog
• Acclimating Your Dog to Living in an Apartment
• You are Elderly or Disabled and You Have a Dog
• Renting an Apartment with Your Dog
If you are frustrated about trying to rent with your dog, or if you are a landlord you can learn how to attract and keep high quality renters with the information Jackie has provided in this book.
Dogwise Publishing specializes in dog books and accessories, I was amazed at all the titles they offer.
If you would like a free book marker from Animal Spirit Communication just leave a comment anywhere on this site or contact me with your address and I will send you one.
Try this for bee and wasp stings
August 30, 2009 by
Filed under Blog, Uncategorized
I was playing in the sprinkler with my granddaughter in the backyard when I stepped on a wasp. It definately surprised both of us and I got stung on my foot. Wow, I forgot how much that stung! I couldn’t sleep my foot throbbed so bad so I got up and googled antidote for wasp sting, and there was quite a few entries with similar comments

I don't think the wasp who stung me looked this mean, we were just surprised to meet this way!
The most popular one was to put a vinegar wrap on the affected area. I had nothing to loose and a good night sleep to gain so I tried this and after about 20 minutes I was finally able to sleep. I had used acupressure as well on some on my ankle points and together they were really effective.
Remember – Bee stings use a baking soda paste
Wasp stings use vinegar wrap – soaked paper towel is ok
I think this would help your animal friend too if they were stung. I had a pony once who stepped on a wasp’s nest. What a mess, she was stung all over her face and body and I had over 22 wasp stings on mine. That was a long time ago but I wish I used vinegar then.
I thought I would communicate with the wasp and see why I was stung, the answer was as simple as it gets: “You surprised me, I didn’t know you were there. We came out for the water. ” Hmm, makes sense after all we had not had rain for a very long time. Next time I might wear shoes outside in the grass, but it feels so good to connect with the earth energy going barefoot.
According to several sources an injury on your foot means you should be aware of the direction you are going in life. Something to think about.
Do you have any remedies that have offered relief for bee or wasp stings?
Sunny the Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care
August 16, 2009 by
Filed under Blog, Uncategorized
We just bought a beautiful blue male Betta fish the other day and we named him Sunny. I thought he would be a great addition to our animal family and we could learn a little about Betta’s. Here are a few highlights about Betta’s.

Male Betta Fish are beautiful and relaxing to look at. Here is Sunny our new family addition.
Betta fish are sometimes called Siamese Fighting Fish but the more peaceful name of Betta seems to be the more popular term for these beautiful fish.
Betta fish originally lived in the shallow rice patties and bodies of water in Asia. They are quite territorial and can be very aggresive so one per pond was enough. They will puff or fluff out when they see another male and may fight to the death. For this reason it is best to only keep one in a habitat at a time.
Things to know about a Betta
- Betta’s are easy to care for and can provide a lot of enjoyment
- male Betta’s are beautiful with full draping fins and bright colours
- they like their special pellets that are developed for them, but only about 2-4 a feeding, twice a day, they can get very sick if they are overfed
- your Betta will enjoy fresh freeze dried bloodworms as a special treat
- Betta’s will look for you and will get excited, almost dancing, thinking it may be dinner time
- Betta’s breathe from the surface and will come up for their air. They have adapted from the droughts in the rice fields to be surface breathers
- they like clean clear water between 73-80 F
- remember to clean your Betta’s home once a week and pretreat the water with special Betta water conditioner you can buy at the pet store
- Betta’s do not need a large aquarium and are quite happy in a container 1-3 gallons and do not need gravel or an air pump
- if taken care of properly Betta’s can live for several years and I’ve seen reports of up to 5 yrs.
- Betta’s are peaceful to watch and can reduce your stress level, they know how to relax
- do you have any tips to add about Betta care?
We are enjoying Sunny and are learning a little more about him. His color has changed quite a bit since we got him. When he arrived he was in a little cup with blue dye to enhance his colour. We changed this right away when we put him in his new home and his color went paler but then has come back to a rich beautiful blue.
I will write later about what Sunny had to say in an animal communication session with him. Can you guess what kind of music he likes? Maybe when he was at his breeders they played this type of music a lot.
If you would like to learn more about how a Betta can be a great addition to your family you can go to and there is over 500 pages devoted to Betta’s. This link is quite funny, it is of animated Betta’s and their point of view.
Do you have any Betta fish stories to share?
Cricket Chorus
August 6, 2009 by
Filed under Amazing videos and audio, Animal Communication, Blog
When I was studying acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine our class was very small and we became a close family. One day my friend Ara brought in the audio recording of crickets for all of us to hear. We did not know what to expect and when we heard this our eyes filled and an air of amazement and connectedness filled the room. I have never forgotten it.
The crickets singing had been slowed down to match the lifespan of a human. I have included more info below for you. Does this recording bring up emotions or remind you of our connectedness?
The story behind GOD’S CRICKETS.
This unusual recording contains two tracks:
1. the natural sound of crickets chirping
2. the sound of the crickets slowed down to match and mirror the length of the average lifespan of a human being.
The angelic chorus you hear accompanying the sound of the crickets is NOT a synthesizer or a chorus singing. It’s the crickets themselves (slowed down) creating the effect. Really an amazing thing they’ve accomplished here. This recording can be played continuously in the background to create a natural soothing atmosphere for calming and healing.
This recording has been created by Jim Wilson.
This recording is an extended digitally remixed and mastered version taken from the original 1992 recording entitled “Ballad of the Twisted Hair” from the album “Medicine Songs” by David Carson and Little Wolf Band produced by Jim Wilson and released on Raven Records.
Shingo Victoria B.C.
July 13, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials
Hi Sue:
This is so fantastic. I feel this really does reflect who Shingo is. I
suppose the female with the fushia lipstick must be Alex, Mike’s girlfriend.
Shingo certainly barks more when a big male comes to the door. He always
warms up to them later but you can see he feels them a threat at first.
Thanks for doing this, D.R. Victoria
Much appreciated and Thank you
July 13, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials
Winnie’s results were dead on except for the tiny little marshmallow
treat. However, everything said was on the money …
Much appreciated and Thank you,
Jerri Lynn B.C.
We are thrilled with the insight you have given us to our cat-family!
July 13, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials
Dear Susan,
This part of my email won’t be professional for the website cause I just want to say HOLY ****! Pardon me!!! You have an amazing gift!
We are thrilled with the insight you have given us to our cat-family. And they are our family as we have no kids. THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking the time to look into our family. Susan, your insight to our cats Spencer and Darby was truly enlightening. Spencer the beautiful Siamese-tabby-cross is indeed a ‘princess’ in his attitude, but knows when it’s time for love and time for play. In his younger days he jumped and twisted exactly as you describe! Darby is a healer and loves to share her love with us exactly as you describe. Knowing she is concerned about me makes me be more aware of myself and my need to slow down. We will be aware to watch for any of the particular health concerns you describe for them both, and are happy to say they are both in excellent health at the present time. Your insight has allowed us to see them in a new light and know that they appreciate us, and are always trying to communicate with us. We love them so much and to know that they are happy in their home is so important and valued for my husband and I. Thank you from all of us!
Thaylin, Doug, Spencer and Darby
Victoria, BC
Welcome to Animal Spirit Communication
June 15, 2009 by
Filed under Blog
Welcome to Animal Spirit Communication! Here you will find information about animal communication, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reiki, flower and tree essences, Chinese herbs, chakras and healing in general. You’ll learn fun facts, news about healing, upcoming classes and “how to” hints. I hope that you will visit often and are interested in what the animals have to say “from their point of view”
Love and light in healing
Susan Pipes