Animal communication testimonials
May 31, 2010 by
Filed under Testimonials
“I found the whole session just fascinating…”
Many Thanks, Susan, for your communication session with Polar Bear!
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but to my delight you seemed to have a lot of insight into what our family life is like – so I am convinced that this came from Polar Bear (as you are in British Columbia and we are in Ontario).
Your candid thoughts and insights were clearly stated and easy to follow. Being able to know the things I can do to make Polar Bear’s life even a little more comfortable are greatly appreciated and I have implemented changes mentioned in your report.
I will not hesitate to recommend your services to anyone and everyone who will listen! Certainly the staff at our veterinary clinic, and family members and friends have been waiting to see the results with deep curiosity! I think they will be as impressed as I was.
You have a gift. I feel so fortunate that I happened upon your ad, and was able to tap into it.
Guelph, Ontario
Pam also wrote…
I found the whole session just fascinating… and I have talked to Polar Bear (face to face) about some of the things that came out of it. And I don’t know if he actually understands me, or just recognizes the tone of my voice … But I want him to know it just makes me appreciate him all the more, knowing we think so much alike! You say “Polar thinks it’s all about him”… Well, so do I! LOL
I hope my feedback is perhaps helpful.
Thanks so much again, Susan. (I don’t know *how* your ad made it all the way on to the … – but I am so thrilled I happened to see it that night!)
“It was a very special and emotional experience for me.”
Hi Susan,
I just wanted to say thank you again for our conversation today. It was a very special and emotional experience for me. My mom was really happy to hear everything as well. I think as well that this was fate. In the future I would like to work with you again. Thank you so much again, this was so amazing. 🙂
Again, I can’t thank you enough!
Long distance reiki offers help to Gracie for post surgery complications and healing…
Dear Susan,
Thank you for sending healing energy to Gracie. She was so much more alert and content after your sessions with her. I really appreciated having feedback on how she was feeling and what her needs were. It was so very helpful to have Susan communicate with Gracie, who was recovering from two consecutive surgeries. There is no doubt that Susan’s Reiki was helpful, and her connection with Gracie was right on and invaluable.
Jenny, California
Long distance reiki helps Amy after a vicous dog attack
Amy is doing superb! She has completely kicked it. I am grateful for your help. The biggest revelation has been changing the way we think and speak about her situation. After you debriefed me, Neil and I shifted our thinking and our speech – she’s a warrior, congratulations for being done, etc. I honestly believe it made a huge difference. Thank you!
J. T. California
Animal communication offers insight and hope with end of life issues for our beloved animal friends…
THANK YOU for all readings and your care. The information you shared was instrumental in helping me come to terms with the reality of Carli’s state of health. I had convinced myself that she would outlive my doggie and that she was in good health – with the little box issue only being a naughty behaviour option.
God bless you Susan – and little Carli – and again, thank you for your wonderful help. We will definitely share your services with other pet owners in need of guidance.
K.M. West Vancouver
“Hearing what Toby has to say has been life changing!”
Hi Susan,
I am so thankful to have gotten in touch with you! Hearing what Toby has to say has been life changing! I never thought animals paid that much attention. I will be doing some changing that’s for sure!
Toby definetely does his whole i’m so cute thing to get out of trouble and it totally works!
Thank you so much for talking with Toby! I can’t wait to have you talk with my other dog Mikey!!
Lady Ami
“I’m filled with appreciation for what she does. Thank you Susan.”
Susan is great. She did a communication with my cat several weeks after she
passed away and the information was really helpful and insightful. There
were so many things that resonated as right/true. I also learned more than a
few things about my wise, very beloved companion (and myself). The whole
process, from initially contacting Susan to the consultation, was wonderful.
She’s sincere, caring, professional and was able to connect with my cat so
well. I’m filled with appreciation for what she does. Thank you Susan.
Elana, Toronto
April, 2010
Reiki helped to breathe life back into our 14 year old Lab
January 26, 2010 by
Filed under Testimonials
Sue’s Reiki helped to breathe life back into our 14 year old lab. She was experiencing liver and kidney problems, hip pain, with a decrease in appetite and zest for life. Now she is enjoying her daily walks, eating well and wagging her tail again. We are thrilled to have more quality time with our beloved girl!
Helping two spirits to understand each other
December 1, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials

Canadian Warmblood Navarre at home
It’s true what you say, that animal communication creates a deeper bond. Even when you don’t do it yourself.
I had the privelege to communicate with a beautiful Canadian Warmblood and his human Mom about some issues that were very concerning. I always try to make sure that I get answers to all questions that are asked and it may involve a few emails between each other. Here is a little of what Kirstin has reported back to me about our animal spirit communication.
First of all I have to tell you that I rode Navarre today for the first time since he misbehaved so badly last week! Due to the weather he hadn’t been ridden for four days and even though he is a very forward horse he didn’t put one foot wrong. I was so happy afterwards and I thanked him. I am sure that he felt what I was saying in words.
Without you talking to him I wouldn’t have had the confidence, that’s for sure!
I think I should really start trail riding him. Since he has mentioned it to you he might be ready for it.
I am glad that he mentioned his blue blanket. I would not have put it on this year as I don’t believe in blanketing a horse. But his previous owners gave it to me when I bought Navarre and I assume he has been wearing it the years before.
No, you did not provide too much information. I am gad that you pass everything on without filtering it. Of course it is a lot and sometimes confusing but that’s why it is in writing. I can get over it as often as I want. 🙂
You have such a great gift being able to talk to animals. I wish I could learn it too, even if I could just communicate small things. I know they say that it lies in all of us but I don’t believe that everybody can learn to use it. I am a very technical person even though I strongly believe that there are things out there that we cannot see or logically understand.
I have been looking for workshops where I could at least try to learn the basics and maybe move on from there. But so far I haven’t found anything that I think could introduce me properly.
Doing some research on animal communication I got the impression that there are a lot of people who see a possibility to make money. And it is hard to find someone to trust. After all this is a trust thing because neither you nor I can really proof that there is a communication going on. I hope you understand what I mean.
By the way, this is why I chose you to talk to Navarre. When I looked for someone I ended up on so many websites and yours was the only one where I got the impression that it was about helping and that you really know what you are talking about. There are so many offers where my first feeling was that someone is trying to sell me something or talk me into something. And this is really sad. Of course this is a service and the communicator needs to make money too but it should still be about the idea of helping two different spirits to understand each other. And this is the impression I got when I looked at your webpage. And I am really glad that I contacted you. 🙂
Thanks again for all the ideas to make Navarre happier.
Have a nice evening,
Kirstin, Germany
Many unexpected messages
July 13, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials
You have helped me more than you know. Nina, San Antonio Texas
Shingo Victoria B.C.
July 13, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials
Hi Sue:
This is so fantastic. I feel this really does reflect who Shingo is. I
suppose the female with the fushia lipstick must be Alex, Mike’s girlfriend.
Shingo certainly barks more when a big male comes to the door. He always
warms up to them later but you can see he feels them a threat at first.
Thanks for doing this, D.R. Victoria
Much appreciated and Thank you
July 13, 2009 by
Filed under Testimonials
Winnie’s results were dead on except for the tiny little marshmallow
treat. However, everything said was on the money …
Much appreciated and Thank you,
Jerri Lynn B.C.